Ready to STAND OUT, Streamline your SUCCESS and attract HIGH-PAYING Clients?

Apply Now for my EXCLUSIVE 60 Day Private Business Coaching Program!

Fill out the form below, in complete HONESTY - without overthinking your answers or worrying about what I (or anyone else) will think of where you are or where you desire to be in life, or your business...

The more honest you are, - with yourself AND with me... the more I can help you to get EXACTLY what you desire so deeply... and what you truly DESERVE! 

NO JUDGEMENT & NO FUCKS GIVEN 💖 So yes... you can swear, (I do all the time..) it shows me your unfiltered excitment!

Once you submit your application, within 48 hours you will receive an email from us to set up a Zoom Application & Strategy Assessment Call if I feel you are a great fit for my private coaching program.

Be sure to check your spam folder just in case. IF you don't hear from us within 48 hours, email my Success & Support Team at [email protected]

*All of your answers and information are kept strictly confidential
I'M EXCITED AF 🤩 to be a part of your UNSTOPPABLE success!

Much Love & Many Blessings
 - Jeska xo


I want to know your specific DESIRES and how I can help you get there! It's time to get intentional and MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!

 IMPORTANT: No Show Bookings Will Not Be Rescheduled & All Current Program Applications Will Be Cancelled. Please Respect Your Time, Our Time & Put Your Business First By Attending Your Scheduled Appointment. 

Business owners are responsible for obtaining information on their local rules and regulations for licensing and permits before offering any type of service.


By completing this form, I agree to the following TERMS & CONDITIONS.

"Jeska's approach to growing your business and manifesting more abundance in life is...well...just pure magical. Her clear cut advice is laced with real life action items you can apply to match your energy and your actions to your growing business. How she is online, is how she shows up in person as a coach. It's mindset and manifestation that actually works." - Sam P.

"When I was considering purchasing a turn key small business, Jeska really helped me discover my fears and excitement. Her coaching helped me focus on my ideal client, which I never had thought of before. Throughout the purchase and set up her skills helped me gain my own confidence. The guidance received was a godsend when I had to delve into marketing and the social media tech world.

I am very grateful for the clear guidance she gave me to help ME discover what I was wanting to achieve. Plus, her genuine personality is refreshing and appreciated. Highly recommend to anyone seeking assistance to achieve their dreams. " - Rachel E.

"Working with Jessica has been one of the most inspiring experiences I've had in over a decade.

She bleeds passion in everything she creates, every relationship she builds and shows up authentically. Not only does she have the knowledge, she shares it wholeheartedly, with every once of her being. The word gatekeeping doesn't exist in her vocabulary!

You can't help but be attracted to her contagious energy; which pushes you to be better. I cherish every moment I spend with this driven, passionate, motivated, beautiful soul!" - Jo L.