Changing Your Relationship with Money: Love Your Money PART 1

Feb 21, 2024

Hey there, Mystic Sistars and fellow creative souls! I'm diving deep into a two-part series this month. Why? Well, it's all about love, baby—the love for ourselves, our lives, and, of course, our money.

We all want that sweet moolah flowing effortlessly into our lives, right? But most of us are stuck in this cringey, clingy, desperate dance with money. Picture a psycho ex-girlfriend going crazy because money isn't showing up the way we want it to. We've all been there.

No shame, though. We're all a bit crazy, especially when it comes to money. That's why I'm hitting you with this surprise two-part series. It's time to break free from the booty call mentality with money. No more hit it and quit it—let's build real, solid relationships with our cash.

Now, love is magic. And guess what? So is money. They're both energetic frequencies, and they're everywhere. Think of it like a money funnel, it's all around us, constantly flowing. But here's the catch: we're too busy worrying, hunting, and ignoring money. It's time to change that.

Loving your money is the secret sauce. Why? You already know how to love in some ways, right? Most of us are busy giving love away, seeking validation, and forgetting to direct that energy back to ourselves. It leaves us feeling depleted, alone, and drowning in self-doubt.

Entrepreneurial life, especially for artists and mothers, adds extra pressure. We're fighting stereotypes, trying to prove our worth, and seeking validation. But here's the truth, we started this journey to create a life where we don't need permission to live, love, and enjoy the little things.

Money plays a big role in feeling secure, but how safe is it when someone can snatch it away? The truth is, you're an abundant being, and money is an abundant frequency. There's trillions of dollars out there; why wouldn't some flow your way?

That's where the magic money and love come in. It's not about assault, chasing, or being aggressive with money. It's about tapping into its frequency, creating new paths for it to flow your way, and, most importantly, loving it.

This is why I've created the Mystic Sisterhood for you. It's not about chasing and grabbing money; it's about lighting up the sky together. This community is all about supporting each other, celebrating wins, and creating that supernova of success.

So, if you're tired of the toxic productivity cycle and the desperation, it's time to redirect your drive.

Join the sisterhood, let's release the go-go, and find that true balance of love and money. Because, guess what? You deserve it.

Let's break free from the frugal mindset, transform our relationship with money, and watch the magic happen.

Are you ready to make it rain? I sure am!


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