Love Yourself: MIRROR RITUAL & Affirmations, Love Bomb Part 1

Feb 12, 2024

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Can you believe it's already February? Like, bam! We're officially in the month of love. And no, not just the lovey-dovey, romantic kind. I'm talking about the real deal—the love you pour into yourself.

Sure, everyone's on that New Year's resolution grind, hitting the gym, eating kale, but let's get real. None of that matters if you don't have a solid foundation of self-love.

Self-love isn't just about spa days and giving yourself a pat on the back. It's about doing the deep work and intentionally loving every inch of yourself, past, present, and future. It's about paving the way for your own growth and evolution and becoming the badass you're meant to be.

Forgiving ourselves is a key to Self-Love

Yeah, we've all messed up and made questionable decisions, but holding onto that baggage? Not cool. Love yourself enough to forgive and to stand the test of time that is your life. It's not about being flawless; it's about accepting who you are and where you're headed.

You can have all the plans and strategies, but without some serious love bombing on yourself, it's all just noise. Cue the mirror ritual. None of that quick glance and nitpicking—stare into your own eyes. See the incredible being you are, flaws and all. Love bomb yourself with affirmations; pick one that resonates and repeat it like your life depends on it. Spoiler alert: it kind of does.

Today's mission? Love yourself fiercely. I'm not just talking about fluffy affirmations; I'm talking about a strategic love bombing that transforms you, your business, and your life.

And don't just love yourself today—love the journey, the struggles, and the victories. Look back and celebrate every damn lesson and achievement. You birthed kids, scaled businesses, survived, and thrived. That's your story, and it's epic.

Imagine peeling away the layers and seeing that radiant light at your core. Your flaws? Stories you've bought into. Focus on that inner glow, your soul, and the real you. Now pick a feature, any feature, and love the hell out of it. Your uniqueness, your quirks, your impulsive decisions, embrace it all.

So, here's your homework: forgive freely, love yourself in the now, and remember, you matter. Your love, your story, your existence—they're powerful.

So, let's love bomb ourselves into the incredible beings we are.




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