The "I'm too Busy" BS and Watermelon Tourmaline Activation for Bliss

Jan 15, 2024

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Stop the Overwhelm that comes with "I'm too busy."


Hey there, Magical SiStar, we need to take a look at the TMTD (to much to do) disease that is going around. I know we all fall into the trap of saying, "I'm too busy" or "I don't have time," and before you know it, people stop reaching out because they assume you're drowning in a hectic schedule.

Ever lost touch with friends? Forgot what it's like to just chill without thinking about work? Maybe you're even feeling a bit obsessed, always fearing you'll miss out on something if you take a break. Well, my beautiful soul, it's time to burn down this bullshit. You've got to live your life too.

In this magical journey, I'll teach you how to blend mindful magic and savvy money habits to manifest abundance. Because, my friend, you deserve it.

Let's dive into the root of your "too much to do" disease.

Stressing about never having enough time is making you feel lost, perpetuating this existential dread.

Life's always throwing curveballs, and it's time to accept that. But we have to talk about the resentment and guilt you're carrying. Overachiever much? I get it; we're all haunted by stories from our past. Childhood molds us, and for me, being the responsible one in a military family and forced to grow up too fast, well, that left its mark.

And now, in this instant-access world we live in, it’s even easier to get caught up in the “to much to do” cycle. Everything's now, now, now. We're programmed to expect instant responses, forgetting that good things take time.

Remember the dial-up days and having to sit through commercials? We had to wait.

Here's the thing: You can't treat your life or business like a sprint. It's more like a marathon with intermissions, breaks, and time to rest and restore.

Becoming a mother was a game-changer for me. I struggled, guilt-ridden, trying to balance my passion for work with being a mom. The hustle was real. It broke me in the best way possible, making me realize what truly mattered.

So, let me ask you this: Are you too busy thinking about what you haven't done? It's time to shift that perspective.

Your activity for the week? List 10 goals, but write them in the past tense, as if they've already happened. Anchor into that energy. And at the end of each day, reflect on what you accomplished. Celebrate your wins, big or small.

Remember, you're more than a list of accomplishments. You're on a unique journey, and I'm your ultimate cheerleader. Let's burn down the bullsh*t and celebrate the magic within you.

My fellow list-makers, start here:

  • Make a list of your goals - 10 of them - but write them in past tense AS IF THEY HAVE ALREADY HAPPENED.

  • Anchor into the power of calling it into existence

  • Then write a list at the end of your day (or, at the same time, reflect on yesterday) of what you DID accomplish

  • Better yet, celebrate your wins PUBLICLY on a weekly basis, share in your stories (tag me) or post

  • Invite others to be a part of your journey!!! This helps establish your authority and shows your dedication to the dream.


I know its hard to believe when you’re stuck in the “I have to prove myself” mode, but you are worthy even when you’re not at work.

You don’t need your clients or family to tell you you’re doing well; you need to be accepting of where you’re at now and love yourself enough to enjoy the journey toward becoming who you are, the life you’re creating, and the impact you’re here to share with the world.

Watermelon Tourmaline Activation

In today's crystal activation, the focus is on watermelon tourmaline. This crystal helps us focus on the importance of anchoring ourselves in the present moment and cultivating bliss. I urge you to embrace their roles as powerful healers and creators. Advocating for yourself with love. This activation encourages gratitude, presence, and the pursuit of personal growth for a more abundant and purposeful life. Celebrate small actions and collectively co-create a blissful existence.



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