Releasing Chaos, Attracting Abundance, and Living a Rich Mom Summer EP36

As I took some time to reconnect with my family in Italy, I experienced a massive shift in mindset. The experience made me realize the excitement I feel when starting new projects. I became determined to embrace new opportunities, create beautiful programs, and upgrade everything in my world, but it had to be sustainable. 

At that moment, I need to simplify and allow myself space to create without obsessing over perfecting every detail. This awareness has been crucial in overcoming perfectionism and embracing the messy growth process.

I also celebrated the successes and blessings I've received, realizing I achieved everything I set out to do by putting in the work and staying true to my vision. It's been a learning journey, adjusting goals, and staying dedicated to my purpose.

We must learn to surrender, let things flow, and be fully present without seeking external validation. Trusting divine timing and staying aligned with my purpose has been transformative.

Taking time off has taught me the value of having a clear plan and setting priorities. It's not about being busy for the sake of it but about pouring love into my work and enjoying precious moments with my family. I've learned to redefine success and make space for what truly matters.

I'm excited to continue this journey, and I invite you to join me in the next phase as we embrace new beginnings and deeper connections. Stay tuned for Season 2 as we anchor deeper into our mission.

Remember, it's not goodbye; it's until later. Let's celebrate a rich and fulfilling summer together as we empower ourselves and those around us.


Connect with me on Instagram HERE.

Apply to Work with Me for the End of Summer Coaching HERE